On February 2, 2023, we also signed the open letter in which we were demanding Cătălin Predoiu, the Justice minister's resignation, after clues emerged that he had obtained information from a pending, politically charged case.
On the 11th of November 2022, we asked President Klaus Iohannis not to promulgate the Justice Laws before hearing the opinion of the Venice Commision.
On September 7, 2022, we also signed the open letter initiated by colleagues from the Expert Forum (EFOR) regarding the proposed amendments to the Laws of Justice that not only do not solve the problems that arose in the period 2017-2019, but return the Romanian judicial system to the standards of the pre-accession period.
In September 2022, with the new parliamentary session, we asked deputies to fix the dysfunctions in the whistleblower legislation, after it was sent for re-examination by the President of Romania.
In August 2022, we asked Parliament that the path through committees of the package of proposals for laws on Justice be as transparent as possible.
In June 2022, we also expressed our indignation and concern over the draft law that provides sports powers for the SRI.
In May 2022, we urged the minister of Justice to urgently draft the laws of justice and criminal codes and to submit them to the Venice Commission, in order to comply with the obligations of the Romanian state as a member of the Council of Europe, but also to avoid new infringement proceedings within the European Union.
In March 2022, we reacted promptly to reports that the government, along with DSU and other civil society organisations, was working together to create a fake news platform by using word combinations that would mark Russian propaganda.
In February 2022, we asked President Klaus Iohannis not to enact the SIIJ (special section) pseudo-dissolution law. Why? Because the ruling coalition is doing it only formally, despite the recommendations of the MCV, the CJEU, GRECO and the Venice Commission.
In February 2022, we asked the Senate not to vote on a bill that would have practically widened the possibility of intercepting communications under the pretext of transposing a European Directive.
In January 2022, we condemned the attack partidului Alianța pentru Unirea Românilor împotriva presei din România, în urma unui apel lansat de partid pentru întocmirea unei liste care să conțină „organele de presă toxice și false”.
Through Factual and its membership in the IFCN network, we signed an open letter to Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube, asking her intensify measures to combat misinformation on the video platform.
36 years after his assassination, we requested the award of the Title of Excellence for the engineer Gheorghe Ursu.. The letter addressed to the Mayor General of the Capital, Nicușor Dan (who answered in the affirmative), explains the story of the engineer Ursu, tortured to death in the Militia detention, by the orders of the Securitate. His "mistake" was that he tried to warn us, in 1979, about the seismic vulnerability in which we were left after the 1977 earthquake, by direct order of Ceausescu.
September 2021 market the arrival of another political crisis for Romanians through the adoption by the Government, through an emergency ordinance (OUG), of the „Anghel Saligny” scheme and the ensuing dispute inside the ruling coalition. The ordinance flagrantly violated two articles of the Constitution regarding the justification of urgency and the consultation of the Economic and Social Council. We, together with Expert Forum and the other signatories, publicly asked Romania's ombudsman to notify the Constitutional Court on this ordinance.
In July 2021, we publicly asked President Klaus Iohannis to take a public stand against the ministerial directive of Sorin Cîmpeanu, which would permanently make it harder to find plagiarism in doctorates.
In July 2021, we also signed the open letter asking Prime Minister Florin Cîțu, Minister of Culture Bogdan Gheorghiu and PNL President Ludovic Orban asking them not to block the discussion regarding the application of Roșia Montana for UNESCO and to give a firm mandate to the delegation that will represent the Romanian State at the meeting of the Committee in the sense of unequivocally supporting Roșia Montana's candidacy for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
In December 2020, we also signed the open letter requesting the withdrawal from the Minister of European Funds of the National Plan for Resilience and Recovery and the resuming of consultations with civic society.
After the 2020 local elections, alongside the other signatories, we stated our interest in forming an efficient partnership with the new local administration of the Capital (and received an encouraging reply).
In April 2020, we signed the open letter expressing our concern about the lack of proportionality between the limitation of rights and the real need that dictated some of the measures taken by the authorities immediately before and during the state of alert, measures taken without even the slightest consultation of civil society.
In April 2020, I signed the open letter calling on all public authorities and institutions to protect those who blow the whistle and expose irregularities, abuses and malicious acts the come up in the COVID-19 crisis.
In March 2020, we signed the open letter asking authorities to publicly offer a complete and structured presentation of all COVID-19 cases (confirmed, recovered and deaths) refreshed as often as possible to disseminate this vital information and prevent fake news.