The associations Declic and Funky Citizens ask President Klaus Iohannis not to promulgate the Laws of Justice before the expert opinion of the Venice Commission, expected next week. Otherwise, with a critical opinion and the promulgated laws, Romania risks staying with the Monitoring and Verification Mechanism and losing the chance to enter Schengen. Following civil society's discussions with representatives of the Venice Commission, it emerged that the experts' opinion on the 3 Laws of Justice will be published quickly, in November. The CCR drew the legislator's responsibility to bring the laws into line with the requests of the MCV and the Venice Commission. Precisely for this reason, it is essential that the President of Romania waits for the opinion of the experts, before deciding whether to promulgate the laws or return them...
comisia de la venetia
Haste spoils the job. The Laws of Justice, the package of the three laws on the judicial system, had an accelerated legislative process under the justification of the lifting of the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism. The same argument was also used in 2009 and the consequences can be seen even now, an example being the recent decision of the ÎCCJ regarding the interpretation of CCR decisions related to prescription. The MCV has been hovering over us since the 2007 accession to the EU and the Government is committed to complying with its recommendations, as well as those of GRECO and the Venice Commission. However, the Justice laws passed through the Parliament without the opinion of the Venice Commission and the ruling coalition recognized that the legislative package, in the form adopted, is a "compromise". After, last weeks, we also attended the discussions...
Se caută Procuror Șef la DNA pe repede-înainte După revocarea procurorului șef DNA, Ministerul Justiției a anunțat cu mare rapiditate faptul că începe procedura de selecție a unui nou procuror șef. Reamintim faptul că, în cadrul Mecanismului de Cooperare și Verificare, Comisia Europeană a atras de nenumărate ori atenția asupra faptului că procedura de numire a procurorilor șefi trebuie să fie una transparentă și pe bază de merit. Reluăm aici doar ultima astfel de recomandare venită în cel mai recent raport, cel din noiembrie 2017: În luna ianuarie, Comisia și-a reiterat recomandarea de a pune în aplicare un sistem de numire a procurorilor de rang înalt transparent și pe bază de merit, care ar oferi garanții suficiente împotriva politizării. Procedura de numire a procurorilor de rang înalt…