Factual wants to move political discussions from the populist sphere to the sphere of statements that can be proven by a simple check. We want less manipulation in speeches and more facts & figures from credible sources.
Goals is the first political fact-checking site in Romania. It aims to educate citizens in critical thinking, put pressure on politicians to use factual data, gather together a diverse community of experts who do constant fact-checks and monitor the work of key political actors.
Factual benefited from the financial support of the Civic Innovation Fund (a program developed by the Foundation for Civil Society Development in partnership with the Romanian-American Foundation and the Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe) for the project "Consumer Protection Policy". In the fall of 2016, the project also delivered fact-checks for Vote for Health.
Factual was formally launched in May 2014 by an enthusiastic group of NGO people, corporate workers, entrepreneurs and political consultants interested in good governance. Since August 2014, the project has been implemented by Funky Citizens.