
09 Sep: Round table: how we can ensure, by law, the protection of whistleblowers

Considering the recent events on the subject of whistleblowers (the bill to amend the law quickly passed the Senate and reached the decision-making Chamber of Deputies), we believe that it is time for an honest dialogue between civil society and decision-makers. Thus, we are organizing a round table to which access will be by invitation only. Even if the event will be a smaller one, we will make its conclusions public.

07 Sep: Workshop: How we can implement Open Contracting in Romania with the help of the business environment

Open Contracting in Romania would mean a first step in the transparency and efficient structuring of data and information about public procurement. Throughout the 10 years of Funky's activity in public budgets, we have discovered and been reconfirmed that transparency in procurement is far from being the strong point of the authorities. We strongly believe that there is room for better, so on Tuesday, September 20, we invite you to a workshop on how we can understand, make transparent and simplify public contracts for the business environment.

cover cercetare parlamentara
01 Sep: Analysis: keeping an eye on Parliament, February – June 2022

Starting with the first parliamentary session last year, we launched this assessment of legislative activity that we called, simply, "Eyes on Parliament." As part of this project, we have so far released two other analyses, for the February-June 2021 session, respectively for the September-December 2021 session, and of course, the one you are reading now for the first session of 2022 – February-June. We have collected and analyzed the data on the activity of the parliamentarians so far and we present to you what the 466 parliamentarians managed to do, how the poles of power and the functions in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate changed with a new political majority and how the elected officials succeeded to legislate extremely quickly on some subjects and still miss some already old promises. The previous parliamentary session was...

Andreea Vasile

No more hidden politics with Funky Citizens. Everything is out, in the spotlight, when they are around!

Cristian Neagoe

Bridging the gap between the citizen and the accountability of the authorities

Karin Budrugeac

A small team helping us all become more active citizens.

Mircea Kivu

Oameni seriosi, creativi, cu mult umor.

Andra Nicula

Funky Citizens. Making things right since 2012.

Valentin Panduru

Prin anii ’90 Funky Citizens aş spune ca erau golanii din Piaţa Universităţii. Tot despre educaţie civică, despre respectarea drepturilor, despre egalitate între oameni, despre a cunoaşte şi a putea alege argumentat comunitatea din care îţi doreşti să faci parte şi în care să-ţi poţi creşte fericit viitorul. Urmăresc cu atenţie activitatea voastră şi ma bucură fiecare zi de existenţă.

Laura Ionescu
Dume de Mestecat

Funky Citizens sunt educația civică pe care nu am primit-o pentru că nu eram oricum luați în serios, pentru că nu contam, pentru că nu trebuia să contăm. Am fi încurcat șpăgile și bunul sinistru mers al lucrurilor. Am învățat multe de la ei, dar cel mai mult am învățat că a ști înseamnă a avea curaj. Vă mulțumesc pentru tot ce dați lumii. Și mie. The grit to go on. ❤️

Marius Comper

Oameni pasionați care se dedică pentru o societate mai transparentă și mai dreaptă.

Andrei Gheorghe

Oameni mișto, liberi și cu umor.

infografice și materiale pe
sesizări primite în aplicația De Gardă
de declarații analizate pe

Proiecte Funky curente

On Guard
App for Health workers
Museum of communism
A mini-Wiki for recent history
open contracting quickfinder
Open contracting
Transparent and responsible public tenders
Bucharest Bulletin
Local data journalism
Bulgarian-Romanian Observatory of Digital Media
image-1 copy
Navigating Romania
CERV EEAD Launch Newsletter Banner-2
Empowering Europeans Against Disinformation
rf1 quickfinder
The Funky Republic
A network of local NGOs
Fact-checking political statements