Public Money


07 Feb: Budget & Legislative Analysis: The National Recovery and Resilience Plan

This document presents an analysis from both a budgetary and a legislative point of view of the implementation of the PNRR. Thus, this year we decided that the traditional analysis of parliamentary activity (Session 1, Session 2 and Session 3) should be based on the monitoring of the legislative reforms from the Recovery and Resilience Plan, following the legislative process for the milestones that had to be met in 2021 and 2022. If you are not familiar with the work of the Parliament, you can read more about how it works and what the parliamentary legislative process is here.


15 Dec: Analysis: 2023 state budget

The state budget for 2023 was adopted yesterday by the Romanian Parliament. In response to the multiple crises we have faced in recent years (the Covid-19 pandemic, inflation, the energy crisis generated by Russia's aggression against Ukraine), the budget shows an attempt to recover, to reduce the deficit, and to focus on investments. The state budget is not just any other administrative document, it often shows us the country's priorities for the following year and enables local administrations to know in advance what money, coming from the central level, they can rely on. This time, the largest amount of total expenditure is represented by personnel expenditure (63 billion), followed by social assistance expenditure. Budget priorities are however most easily seen in…


07 Sep: Workshop: How we can implement Open Contracting in Romania with the help of the business environment

Open Contracting in Romania would mean a first step in the transparency and efficient structuring of data and information about public procurement. Throughout the 10 years of Funky's activity in public budgets, we have discovered and been reconfirmed that transparency in procurement is far from being the strong point of the authorities. We strongly believe that there is room for better, so on Tuesday, September 20, we invite you to a workshop on how we can understand, make transparent and simplify public contracts for the business environment.


31 May: Analysis: transparency of municipal budgets - 2022

The year 2022 was a year of settlement for public budgets – at least from the perspective of their approval calendar, most of the municipalities made efforts to have new budgets from the first two months of the year. However, despite the fact that the municipal budgets were approved a little earlier than 2021, we are still far from the normal and legal calendar that imposes new budgets for a new fiscal year. This year the delay was "only" two months at best. As before, the current analysis looked at the process of drawing up and approving local budgets in 109 municipalities in Romania (including the six sectors of the Capital), looking at the extent to which they comply with the criteria of the legislation on local public finances related to...


31 May: Romania declines in transparency and budgetary oversight over previous years

Today, the results of the Open Budget Survey 2021 for Romania (#OpenBudgets) were published. It is a study that appears once every 2 years, carried out by the NGO International Budget Partnership. The results are accompanied by recommendations that Romania should follow for a more transparent state budget and close to the interest of us, the citizens. Funky Citizens is a research partner for Romania, joining over a hundred other NGOs and academic institutions around the world contributing to the study. This is an independent, comparative and evidence-based research tool that assesses how authorities spend public money by measuring three internationally accepted macro indicators: Transparency – to what extent the public has access to information related to the budget of…


17 Feb: We demand a public debate on the 2022 draft budget of the Capital

Stimate domnule Primar, Asociația Funky Citizens își arată interesul față de procedura de consultare publică cu privire la Proiectul de buget al Municipiului București pe anul 2022. Pe lângă sesizările, observațiile și punctele de vedere care pot fi transmise în varianta scrisă, credem că organizarea unei dezbateri publice pe această temă e la fel de necesară. Acest proiect are un impact substanțial asupra vieții cetățenilor acestui oraș, drept pentru care o deliberare cât mai largă, cu cât mai mulți factori sociali, este extrem de importantă. Așadar, în temeiul articolului 8 b) din Legea 273/2006 privind finanţele publice locale privind obligativitatea dezbaterii publice a proiectului de buget local, cu prilejul aprobării acestuia, dar şi în baza art. 39 (3) al aceleiaşi legi („locuitorii unităţii administrativ-teritoriale pot depune contestaţii privind proiectul de buget în termen de 15 zile de la…

Open Contracting - key visual

29 Dec: Open Contracting - report on the webinar with local authorities

Pe 9 decembrie, de Ziua Internațională Anticorupție, am invitat membri ai autorităților locale la un webinar pe subiectul transparenței în achiziții publice din prisma prezentării open contracting. Acest set de principii, implementate cu succes în țări din estul și vestul Europei deopotrivă, au fost explicate în detaliu de Karolis Granickas de la Open Contracting Partnership iar participanților li s-a prezentat un studiu de caz pe platforma de achiziții ProZorro, prezentată de Serhii Pavliuk, Transparency International Ucraina. Webinarul a fost precedat de o conferință publică pe același subiect, la care au participat parlamentari din partea PSD, PNL și USR, precum și Ambasadoarea Franței în România și un reprezentant al Agenției Franceze Anticorupție. Puteți urmări conferința mai jos. Open Contracting în România Joi, 9 decembrie, de Ziua Internațională a Anticorupției, vă…