9, pache protopopescu

Do you work in the healthcare system? Let's stay "On Guard", together.

Giulești Maternity, Colectiv, Piatra Neamț: after every disaster in the healthcare system, public attention is drawn to the flaws of the system, which, suddenly, come to light. But as a healthcare worker, you see the issues on a daily basis. You’re probably used to the lack of equipment, the corruption, but we’re here to remind you there are always solutions as long as there’s engagement and commitment. We don’t want to wait for the next tragedy to put pressure on our policy makers to hastily reform the system.

We’ve created a safe communication tool, where you can easily and anonymously report anything that’s wrong, anytime you want. Once they’ve reached us, your reports are analyzed and 1) taken in consideration for specific advocacy campaigns that aim to fix the matter brought up by you or 2) sent to partner investigative journalists, in case we believe a mass-media material would fit the situation. Whatever the case, we’ll bring the issues into the spotlight, while you remain anonymous. We’ve prepared a small guide for whistleblowers, as well as extracts from the Labour and Healthcare Laws to remind you that you’ve really got a lot of rights.

Help us check the heartbeat of the hospital you work in

Funky Citizens received 50.000 euros from the European Journalism COVID-19 support fund to:

  1. advocate for transparency and responsibility, including explaining the importance and ramifications of transparency in public institutions and acquisitions, in the form of a journalistic campaign covering acquisitions for the hospitals in Bucharest, with the aim of changing the regulations which provide for suspicious procurements.
  2. facilitate reports from whistleblowers by creating a platform dedicated to health care workers in Bucharest and bringing together a network of trusted journalists that are ready to receive information from within the system and verify it in the name of public interest.

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[…] intermediul „De Gardă” pot fi raportate, simplu și anonim, orice nereguli, fără niciun fel de limită de […]

[…] Angajații din sistemul medical au acum posibilitatea de a reclama neregulile din sistem cu ajutorul unei aplicații. Aplicația se numește “De gardă”, asigură anonimatul reclamantului și a fost realizată de ONG-ul Funky Citizens. […]

[…] caz: ce se întâmplă cu sesizările pe care le primim în aplicația „De Gardă”? 0   By admin Analize […]

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