recap - the draft laws that may affect the activity of NGOs

We make a brief recap of the two legislative initiatives that threaten the activity of non-governmental organizations:

  • PLx 317/2022 which, among other things, restricts the period in which associations can challenge in court building permits and urban planning documents

  • L857/2022 which, among other things, introduces the patrimonial liability of the members of the board of directors of an association for any damage caused to third parties, if a court action has been rejected by a final court decision,

We outline, in the document below, in English, what the status of these initiatives is in the legislative flow and explain the problems they raise for the activity of NGOs.

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Comments (1)

Este important ca aceste proiecte de lege să fie evaluate cu atenție, pentru a asigura că nu restricționează libertatea de exprimare și acțiune a ONG-urilor, sau nu le limitează capacitatea de a-și îndeplini misiunea și de a susține cauzele pe care le reprezintă.

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