Empowering Europeans Against Disinformation

Strengthening media literacy and critical thinking in communities vulnerable to disinformation

What is the EEAD project about?

The EEAD project is one of the initiatives at the regional or European level for disinformation countering that we are part of. Its primary focus is to increase civic engagement by helping citizens to improve their media literacy skills and resilience to disinformation in the project countries: Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Portugal. The way to achieve our goal is through promoting positive narratives and countering disinformation.

Who is the project serving?

The activities in the project are dedicated to: 

  • citizens vulnerable to disinformation, at risk of becoming targets of disinformation campaigns, such as minority groups, journalists, activists, and watchdogs; 
  • CSOs working with people at risk, such as human rights, women’s rights and LGBTQI+ rights NGOs, etc.; 
  • people less experienced in recognising disinformation: youth, migrants and senior citizens that lack media literacy skills.

What activities does the EEAD project include?

Project activities are meant to make a difference in the local communities of each partner but also to work towards a cross-national community of people exchanging information, working together to combat disinformation and inspire citizen-led actions against disinformation. The project will include training, workshops, webinars, citizen-led actions and an international conference on disinformation.

What is Funky Citizens’ role in the project?

Funky Citizen is the project partner overseeing activities for Romanian target audiences. We will organize webinars for the Romanian audiences, local training, and citizen-led local actions and offer input to the other everyday activities in the project, such as transnational workshops or events.

More information about the EEAD project


Disinformation affects more and more sectors of our lives and our societies, and it undermines democracy and social cohesion. However, some people and groups are more likely to either be attacked by disinformation or fall victim to its narratives. To effectively counter disinformation, we need strong civil societies and citizens engaged in joint efforts to disarm it.


  • Build media literacy skills of citizens to take action against disinformation.
  • Strengthen and grow a transnational network of civic activists to promote civic engagement initiatives locally.
  • Increase the collaboration of citizens to build resiliency to disinformation and promote citizen engagement.


  • Approx. 5 learning webinars on countering disinformationfor civil society.
  • Approx. 5 learning webinars on building positive narratives and digital activism.
  • 5 workshops on building resilience to disinformation for local citizens interested in promoting civic engagement in their communities.
  • Approx. 100 persons engaged in a self-paced online course on topics related to disinformation.
  • A mutual learning and capacity-building workshop for our transnational network of civic activists to exchange expertise and build cross-regional solidarity.
  • 10+ citizen-led local actions related to countering populist disinformation.
  • One international conference in 2024 on countering disinformation.


The project is part of TechSoup Network’s Digital Activism Program and is supported by the European Commission, through the „Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV).". The funding of the project amounts to EUR 174.745.



The project runs for 2 years, from January 2023 to December 2024.

Program leader

Program online hub

Partner organisations

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.