We asked Romania's ombudsman to notify the Constitutional Court regarding the Saligny ordinance

The adoption of the "Anghel Saligny" scheme through an emergency ordinance (OUG) is a flagrant violation of article 115, paragraph 4 of the Constitution. There is no extraordinary situation to justify the replacement of parliamentary procedures and the adoption of such a project by the Government! Not only that, it is mandatory to request an opinion from the Social and Economic Council, according to art. 141 of the Constitution, which did not happen for this legislative approach.

We cannot refer these things to the Constitutional Court, but someone can. Together with Expert Forum and over 20 other signatories, , we request Romania's ombudsman, Mrs. Renate Weber, to notify the Constitutional Court regarding the unconstitutionality of the OUG regarding the "Anghel Saligny" scheme.„. 

It is almost ironic how the lack of local infrastructure, a reality that many Romanians have lived with for decades and a fact well known by political parties, has suddenly become a justification for the urgency of adopting a scheme with a budget of 50 billion RON. The signatories of this letter consider that this method of legislation chosen by the Government is abusive and only serves political interests.


  1. Alianța Națională a Organizațiilor Studențești din România (ANOSR)
  2. Asociația Pentru Minți Pertinente AMPER
  3. Asociația Voci pentru Democrație și Justiție
  4. Centrul pentru Inovare Publică
  5. Centrul Român de Politici Europene
  6. Centrul pentru Resurse Civice 
  7. Centrul pentru Studiul Democrației
  8. Comunitatea Declic
  9. Expert Forum
  10. Forum Apulum
  11. Federația Consiliul Tineretului din România 
  12. FONSS- Federația Organizațiilor Neguvernamentale pentru Servicii Sociale
  13. Funky Citizens
  14. Iniţiativa România
  15. Mișcarea pentru Dezvoltarea Moldovei
  16. Reset
  17. Oradea Civică 2017
  18. Umbrela Anticorupție Cluj
  19. Inițiativa pentru Cultură Democratică Europeană (ICDE)
  20. Asociația Respiro – Human Right Research Centre
  21. Rezist Milano
  22. Activewatch
  23. CeRe: Centrul de Resurse pentru participare publică
  24. Alexandra Foamete, cetățean român, activist civic
  25. Adriana Mureșan, activist civic

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