9, pache protopopescu

We ask the decision-makers to end the anti-NGO legislation

Recently, a legislative proposal appeared for the amendment and completion of Government Ordinance no. 26/2000 regarding associations and foundations by which are newly established only for NGOs the following obligations:

  • organizations have only 30 days to challenge in court building permits and urban planning documents suspected of being issued illegally;
  • the right to go to court expires after 30 days from the date of the last Publicity Operation (from the publication of the notice of issuance of the act on the website or in a newspaper);
  • the deadline for attacking urban planning documentation (such as PUZs or PUGs) has been reduced for NGOs by 5 times, from 5 years to 1 year.

The statement of reasons starts from the thesis that the NGOs act in bad faith, and even that Romania would not have highways or hydroelectric plants because the NGOs attack administrative acts. Thus, we also join the initiatives launched by fellow activists through which we ask the President of Romania not to pass this bill and we are asking senators to withdraw their support for the legislative initiative.

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Comments (1)

Este evident o propunere de lege anti- democratica, anti-societate civilă și este absolut și imperios necesar sa NU fie aprobată!

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