Transparency in times of crisis: Common action of NGOs - Journalists

What have we done so far?

  1. Policy paper: Transparent decision making during the Emergency and Alert states.
    Analyses: Public tenders in the Health system and How public money was spent during the pandemic
  2. On Guardmobile app aimed at checking the status of the Health system, straight from the source
  3. Open data on hospital tenders (.zip format, 161 MB in size): 543 health institutions during January - September 2020. The description of the 3 .xlsx files from the archive is available here.
  4. Journalistic investigations

Project description:

Joint action of journalists and civil society in Romania and the Republic of Moldova to promote transparency, especially when it comes to public budgets, during the crisis generated by COVID-19.

The project also has an advocacy component. Journalists will write about cases of misconduct and their implications, and to encourage people to report such situations, we will lay the groundwork for a platform dedicated to whistleblowers.


1. Information and communication campaign - on social media and on the website, intended for the press, but especially for whistleblowers.

2. Establishing partnerships with the press - from Romania and the Republic of Moldova.

3. Building a safe space for whistleblowers 

  • Piece on the legality and impact of the act of whistleblowing.
  • Launching and disseminating a dedicated platform.
  • Promotion among the target group.

4. Publishing and promoting press articles and position papers, inspired by the input received from the dedicated platform.

5. Advocacy

  • Requests under Law 544/2001 to all public authorities to request data related to expenditures and acquisitions.
  • Research on legislative changes related to transparency of information during the state of emergency, including a comparative analysis (compared to other approaches in the Black Sea area and the EU).
  • Position paper on ensuring transparency and good governance in times of crisis, translated into English and sent to national and European decision-makers.
  • Monthly public calls (press releases, social media) to demand transparency in data related to health crisis management. At the end of the project we will publish a report detailing the results of our advocacy activities.


1.06.2020 – 15.03.2021


$38,290 (of which $25,000 received from The Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation).

Financed by:


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