9, pache protopopescu

Onorată Instanță


In Romania, visible efforts have been made at the legislative and institutional levels to fight corruption and reform the legal system, as a result of joining the European Union and the standards imposed by it. However, even after years of reform, in our country there is still a lack of vision in the administration of the legal system, which makes the rule of law fragile and the act of justice unpredictable. So far, public discourse has focused mainly on the results of the legal system (eg how many cases of high corruption have been resolved) and less on the administration of justice as a public service for citizens.


The project addresses issues related to justice reform, differentiating between two categories of interventions: the reform of the process related to the act of justice and the effectiveness of the act of justice (the results consisting of trials, decisions, etc.). We focus on the use of data from the system to develop standards for all processes related to the act of justice and on three components to ensure predictability and confidence in the system: standard duration + jurisprudence + performance of magistrates. The project aims to address issues related to judicial reform through research, advocacy and transparency tools.

Calendar and supporters

Open justice 2.0 for Romania, the project's official name, is made with the help of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftungs' Rule of Law Programe in South-East Europe and began in February 2014, through focus groups conducted with practitioners in the judiciary. We intend to have the official launch of the website in June 2014, so keep an eye on us.

The onoratainstanta.ro platform represents the finality of the Open Justice 2.0 for Romania project, which aims to develop a methodology for assessing the predictability of justice based on quantitative and qualitative indicators and an analysis of the relevance of data thus obtained in order to formulate public policies in domain. The platform also aims to contribute to increasing the transparency of justice, thus contributing to increasing the confidence of citizens in the justice system as a whole.

Target audience

Citizens - increasing trust in the justice system for website visitors

Magistrates - will be directly targeted by the information of the website, benefiting from a complex platform that offers up an overview of the performance of the judicial system

Decision makers in the justice system - participants in research and advocacy

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