The Covid-19 crisis is, in addition to a challenge to the health and economy system, a real stimulus to misinformation and false news. Romania, like other countries, has been severely affected by various forms of what we call "fake news": conspiracy theories, propaganda and misinformation.
Whatever form they take, they have a strong impact on the relationship that citizens have with the government, their trust in the EU, and their support for democratic institutions. Solutions are imperfect, but they are available, and civil society can do a lot to address the causes and effects of what the World Health Organization has called "infodemia.": from verifying statements made by different decision makers to education in verifying facts, media literacy and critical thinking.
The Fake News Bulletin is a weekly interactive show in which we invite experts to dismantle the fake news and teach the public how to gain immunity in this pandemic of fake news.
The project received a 20.500 Euro financing from the Netherlands Embassy in Romania.
The online show ran for 25 episodes between the 11th of June 2020 and the 3rd of December 2020.