What our platform is useful for:

  • quickly see the state of corruption in Romania
  • learn about anti-corruption and what corruption is, specifically, according to the law
  • takes you out of civic apathy, giving you hope that things can change for the better

The only website that shows you at all times which great dignitary has entered (or left) prison. See summaries of their files and key figures about their actions. We only deal with those who are definitively convicted of corruption. If you want to support the fight against corruption, order a set of collectible stickers with a corrupt statesman illustrated.

What will you find here?

You will find brief and visually appealing answers to questions such as: how many ministers have been convicted, how many years have summed up all their corruption cases, what are the most common acts for which they have been convicted, how many have been executed and how many have been suspended, which party has the most high-ranking convicts?


The website is a view of a database that we build voluntarily, manually, from scratch (see below how). You can use the Dosare (Cases) section (and the "Filtre" sub-section) to sort the database by a specific criterion: name, public office, party, deed, date of final sentence, file duration, years of punishment, type of punishment - with or without execution). Each politician in the "Dosare" section has an individual file that presents contextually relevant information: the nickname of the file in the media, links from the press and Wikipedia, the description of the fact in brief, in an accessible language, without legal jargon, and accessible fields directly from the "Filtre" menu, those described above.

On the main page you can see:

  • one big corrupt (changes randomly each time the page reloads)
  • a few figures that measure how long it has been since the last conviction, the longest case, the longest sentence
  • links to politicians with executing sentences, those suspended and sorting convicts by party affiliation

Mission + vision

We aim to provide a database, over time, of as many politicians or civil servants convicted of corruption as possible and to educate at the same time about anti-corruption. We do it to see less Wasted Money (Bani Pierduți) and more efficiency in governance, to increase the quality of life we live in Romania.

Our M.O.

We start the other way around than we usually do, that is, from big to small: we face small corruption every day, but the media wave that has accompanied DNA convictions in recent years creates a special interest in high-level corruption. Of course, corruption must be blamed even at a small level (and we do!), But it is easier for us to start this corrupt-o-pedia with the most famous corruption convictions in the history of Romania. And the most famous are the ones the press writes about. We let the media play the role of intermediary (translator) between state institutions and the citizens, so we believe that if the press has decided that it is important to write about a corruption case, it means that the politician in question is great. We do not rely exclusively on the press, but we look, of course, at the press releases issued by DNA (it would have been nice to be able to program a script that would automatically read their press releases and extract the name, deed, years - but it was difficult), We focus on the person, not on the file: even if some have several files, they will have a single profile page on So we do analysis and synthesis work to summarize everything in an orderly way in the database. It is available in open format on request.
Disclaimer: we are non-parthisans
No politics, we are independent - we stick with the citizens, we are good citizens. We do not support the left or the right, we do not claim to be exhaustive or perfect and we have nothing to prove. We want to leave behind for the archaeologists of the future this memorial of corruption in our eternal transition from totalitarianism to freedom. We do not want to forget the record sentence - 10 years with execution - to which Dan Voiculescu was sentenced.


Wanda, Dan, Liviu, the Funky Citizens team and everyone else who helped and guided us on the right path

Other Funky projects

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7 Ani de Acasă
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